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Uncle Goose Bird Blocks

Happy Earth Tone Day!

People tend to find neutral tones calming. So much so, that many people may think neutral colors are boring! But neutral tones have a beauty all their own.

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Uncle Goose Flower Blocks

What kind of monster doesn’t like flowers and pretty things?

We assess beauty based on our culture and our upbringing. When you’re repeatedly exposed to something and taught that it’s beautiful and good: you start to believe it’s valuable.
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Uncle Goose Nursery Rhyme Blocks

Five Vital Questions to Ask About Social + Environmental Impact

Sustainability isn't something you can put in your shopping cart. Before you invest in any new product, ask yourself five vital questions about social and environmental impact.
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Uncle Goose Planet Blocks

Seven fun facts about Uranus to read aloud to your friends

Many people pronounce Uranus as “Your Anus.” However, the correct pronunciation is more like “Urine Us” or “You’re a Nuss.” How do you pronounce Uranus?
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Uncle Goose ABC Blocks

Indoor Block Play Activities: Share Your Ideas with Others

If you’ve discovered a way of playing with Uncle Goose blocks that is distinctive, fun, and educational, why not share it? Drop us a line or send us a photo or video of how you’re using your toys. Your stories may give others inspiration for indoor play and learning activities.

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Uncle Goose New Products 2020

Introducing 3 New Toys from Uncle Goose

It's a great time for creative indoor play. Get your hands on 3 new Uncle Goose toys today.
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Uncle Goose Greek Mythology Blocks

What 3-letter word gives you the power of a mighty god or goddess?

Look at the world, from above, as if you were a mighty god or goddess. That’s the powerful, mind-building, multi-dimensional perspective a map can give you. 
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Uncle Goose Greek Mythology Blocks

What does March have in common with a red planet, an angry god, and a wise goddess?

The month of March is named after a Roman God. But which one? Read more to find out -- and to get a sneak preview of our latest block set.
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Uncle Goose Baby Blocks

Baby Sprinkles: baby showers with a twist

At Uncle Goose, we noticed that people were coming to our site in search of “baby sprinkle gifts.” Which made us wonder: what’s a baby sprinkle?
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Uncle Goose Women Who Dared Blocks

Behind the Scenes: Making Toys that Make History

While Women Who Dared is a widely beloved block set, people have often asked why we selected the women we did. Answer: it wasn’t easy! Let's go behind the scenes to find out how we made this hit toy and puzzle. 
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Uncle Goose Valentine Letters

Fun with Anagrams and Block Play

Moving blocks around to form anagrams can help children better visualize and conceptualize word formation. Plus - playing with anagrams can be fun! 
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Uncle Goose Planet Blocks

Why don’t Uncle Goose blocks cost more?

Sometimes, we’ll get the question “Why do your blocks cost so much?” But it’s the wrong question. A better question is “Why don’t Uncle Goose blocks cost more?” 
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