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Uncle Goose Year of the Tiger

Happy Chinese New Year! It’s the Year of the Tiger!

Do you take Zodiac predictions seriously?
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Uncle Goose New Products 2021

2021 Wrap Up: 4 New Uncle Goose Toys

Your Uncle Goose introduced a total of 4 new toys in 2021. Let’s take a fond look at the toys we released during the Year of the Ox:

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Are Uncle Goose Toys Made in America?

Are Uncle Goose Toys Made in America?

Short answer: yes. All Uncle Goose products are American-made. And they're also 100% Made in the USA! Read on to discover the distinction...
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Uncle Goose Sign Language Blocks

Why is American Sign Language Becoming So Popular?

Are you one of the millions of people in the US who are learning ASL? If so, what’s spurring your interest?
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Uncle Goose Gift Wrap

Can We Really Do a Black Friday Sale This Year?

With all the supply chain disruptions, can your Uncle Goose offer a Black Friday discount with a clear conscious?
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Uncle Goose French Blocks

How Parents Can Support Language Fluency

Learning doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It requires a lot of inputs. Blocks are but one small but powerful tool that can aid language fluency.
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Uncle Goose State of Sound Blocks

How Is Playing Music Like Building With Blocks?

Learning music is a lot like playing with blocks! You can build your brain mostly by playing and having fun.
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Uncle Goose ABC Blocks

Which did you learn first: UPPERCASE or lowercase letters?

In the US, most children learn their UPPERCASE letters before they learn the lowercase. It’s a longstanding tradition: but is it effective?
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Uncle Goose Mary Blair Memory Game

Build Your Brain With These 4 Memory Games

Memory boosting games help both children and adults strengthen their brains. Why not play these 4 memory boosting games today?
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Uncle Goose Dinosaur Blocks

How did dinosaurs get their names?

When someone unearths a dinosaur skeleton no one has found before, they get to name it. Why do they name dinosaurs the way they do?
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Uncle Goose Blocks

What will you write on your holiday gift cards this year?

If you need a little help getting started with a personalized message on your holiday gifts, here are 15 quick thought starters.
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Uncle Goose ABC Blocks with Maple Box

2 New Storage Options from Uncle Goose

Picking up toys and storing them is all part of learning and play. Boxes, bags, crates, and wagons help children learn to organize and practice tidiness.
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