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Uncle Goose Chips - Collective Nouns

Candid Uncle Goose: We’d Like to Get Real with You

It happened last month. We had just finished photographing our latest toy, CHIPS Collective Nouns. So naturally, we were getting ready to put our CHIPS away.

That’s when it happened. We accidentally nudged the first chip. We had the CHIPS set up in this spiral formation:

Chips Animal Collectives

You can guess what happened next. All the chips came crashing down, domino style. It was spectacular.

But of course, we had packed the camera by then. So you’ll never get to see and hear the glorious splendor of all those chips spiraling downward.


Because of course, you can do something similar. Set up the chips in a grand fashion, then knock them down.

But unlike us, you’ll be prepared. You’ll have your camera ready to actually capture the moment!

So can we ask a favor of you?

We’d love to see a video or a photograph of you or your family members playing with your Uncle Goose blocks or toys. Would you be willing to share a fun moment with us? And the world?

Play with us! 

If you have a fun Uncle Goose playtime moment you’d be willing to share publicly on this blog, let us know! Send a photo or video link of an Uncle Goose playtime adventure to [email protected] 

It doesn’t have to be chips or blocks cascading downward, either. You do you.

Just have fun playing, then send us a snap you’d be happy to have us share here. We’re looking forward to inspiring others with how brilliantly you play!

(P.S. Like you, we’re fond of knocking blocks down.)